Bad credit? Not with this company. If you’ve got a fenced-in yard and you’ve got a dog, thinks you need a sign for that fence just to alert passers by that there might be a canine in the yard. And who wants one of those plastic, bright red “Beware of Dog” signs? Tacky. “Dog in Yard” signs are tasteful and their “Good Karma Policy” allows you to receive the 3×12 inch powder-coated steel sign (“Dog in Yard” or “Dogs in Yard”) with no money up front. Yep, they’ll send you the sign and THEN you pay. After your sign arrives, you simply mail in your check.
Is this gonna work in the real world? Who knows. But we stil think the signs are nice. They come in cobalt blue, chocolate brown or grass green. You can take advantage of this “Good Karma Policy” by visiting or calling 1-877-995-3667.