Food Dehydrator Dog Treats

Make Your Own Doggy Treats

Chicken dog treatsCHICKEN JERKY TREATS

1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast tenders, sliced into strips about 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch thick
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tbs. salt
Dog Friendly seasonings including parsley, rosemary, and sage

Rinse off chicken breast and remove any fat. Slice the chicken with the grain. This will help make the jerky even chewier for your dog. Fat slows down the dehydrating process and will make your chicken jerky spoil faster. Next coat the chicken slices with a few dog friendly seasonings including parsley, rosemary, sage.

Place the chicken breast strips evenly throughout the tray, leaving an equal space between them and making sure that they do not touch each other. This is because there needs to be air flow in between them while they are drying out.

Once they are all in the food dehydrator turn it on and set the temperature for 140 degrees. It will probably take between 3 and 12 hours for it to fully dry, depending on how thick you cut your slices and the exact temperature of your food dehydrator. It is a good idea to start checking it once every hour after the first hour. To check it, simply open up the tray and take one slice out. Cut it open with a sharp knife and exam the inside. You should see no moisture at all and if it is properly dried it will have the same color throughout. If it is not finished put it back in for another hour. Once it gets close start checking once every half hour.

Once your chicken jerky is done store it in sealed containers, zip lock bags work great for this. Write the date you made it on them. You can also store it in the refrigerator for even longer shelf life. There, you are done. Enjoy your healthy snacks!

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