From Georgia Bulldogs to Alaska Malamutes, Maine coon cats to California Spangleds, every state and every city has its own pet personality. But is it comfy indoor winter kittens in the North or Southern cities with plentiful dog parks that are the cat’s meow? Across the U.S., what cities have gone to the dogs?
Apartment Guide finds the best cities for pets
Apartment Guide scoured the nation and found more than 15,000 cities in the U.S. with at least one pet-related business (including pet shops, retail pet supply and food stores, trainers, wash and groomers, pet boarders and kennels, pet services spots, veterinarians and animal hospitals, plus public parks), for a national total of almost 130,000 pet establishments.
They eliminated any city with a population less than 100,000, leaving us with the 310 largest American cities with at least one pet-related establishment, offering a total of more than 45,000 individual pet businesses in those cities. Then they calculated the ratio of pet-related establishments per 10,000 residents in each to determine the cities deemed the top 10 best cities for pets and their owners in the nation.